AFMBE RPG: Pulp Zombies
Action adventurers journey into the Earth, gangsters control Chicago, Martians circle the planet, hard-boiled detectives walk through smoke filled bars, and Chinatown is full of strange tales. Such was material for the world of pulp fiction. Good as it could be it just got better. Pulp - now with Zombies!
Posted here is the brand new soft cover book Pulp Zombies for the All Flesh Must be Eaten RPG by Eden Studios. This book includes new pulp settings, new archetypes, new gear, and new rules for your AFMBE campaign. It also has extensive background on the whole pulp era and new character creation information.
The major new pulp settings are The Hollow Earth (adventurers penetrating deep dark unexplored places), Zombies, Inc (20s gangsters and vigilantes), and They Want Our Women (Mars invades Earth). The last chapter called Scattered Zombies includes four other mini pulp settings that could be expanded further and advice on finding stories and new settings.
Pulp Zombies is a 146 page soft cover perfect bound book with black and white illustrations.
Use of this book requires the All Flesh Must Be Eaten RPG.