Call of Cthulhu RPG: The Keeper's Companion 2
The Keeper's Companion 2 is your source for information blasphemous, forbidden, and handy. This book contains information on Prohibition (40 plus pages of materials detailing the Prohibition period in the US), cultist and new age religions (and how they borrowed from Lovecraft's fiction to supplement their "real" world religion), and a survey of firearms from various periods (including statistics).
Beyond this, the book also has the Keeper's list of list (more than 30 pages listing Call of Cthulhu scenarios by various subject headings, era, opposing forces, locaions, etc), the Mythos Collector (ten previously uncollected Mythos tomes plus variants, sixteen new spells, and two new creatures), Mythos Ex Machina (technical items created by various species), and finally Deep Ones (diary entries from Dr. Lippencot about the Deep Ones).
The Keeper's Companion 2 is a 168 page soft cover perfect bound book with black and white illustrations. A full index appears at the back of the book.